We are passionate about discovering our true nature. How we process energy, what our unique spiritual blueprint is all about. It's been a long journey for all of us. We hope as we transition away from the dependency of the authoritarian construct that we can offer a safe landing pad to aid in your self-realization journey. With many useful tools for practicing spiritual embodiment within the sacred form, as well as, to update your internal technology, frequencies and wisdom.

Thank you for trusting us and participating in this commUnity. We need you here, You make this world brighter and beautiful!

~Mandala Mama Collective

"Joining Mandala Mama on journeying back to me has been wild. Learning what I was holding on to and my fears wasn't something I felt safe moving through on my own. It felt good to have a guide through it."

- Jeni H

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Divine Feminine Workshop

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Discovering Energy Integration Workshop

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Transformational Death Cycles Series

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Hi, I’m Tarah

Also known as Mandala Mama. I have been on a wild journey of self-realization. So have you.

Learning what we are not, the NOT self to remember what we are, the True Self, the I AM presence!

I love learning, deep diving, exploring and mostly experimenting to gain my own wisdom. I've navigated this life with every modality of healing and transformation. Human Design, Akashic Reacords, Esoterica, Yoga and Qigong being the most influencial. I had my first HUGE awakening at age 8 and went into a deep inner search, peeling apart the constructs that didn't make sense to me, which were many!

The discoveries that helped me transform the most are what I share through this academy. Embodying soul and love more in the human form every step of the way, sharing this so that you too can feel it within your body.

You see, I see us all as vessels of light, conduits of energy, unique and individualized, not separate, and sharing this world together to better learn ourselves and our greatest gifts.

When we become aware, we can actualize and magnetizing to us what we need most in each moment.

If you found yourself here. It is no mistake, you will find your truth and the pathway back to your unique soul blueprint. This is your calling as I have laid down this foundation to attract those who are ready, willing and devoted to discovering and knowing thyself!

Thank you. We need you to share your pure love frequency and divine expression.


Tarah xoxo