Transforming your Relationship with Personal, Ancestral and Collective Death Cycles

Each session will have a separate theme regarding death: personal, ancestral, collective, and completing the death circle within yourself.

Sessions will contain information remembrances, a discussion, Q & A for live participants and all infused with a Shamanic journey by Shamana .

Sign up for this one of-a-kind shamanic and transformational experience. We greatly look forward to holding open this space for you.

About The Workshop

Death is a challenging concept for many of us on this human plane. And yet, we experience deaths throughout our life here:

Deaths of certain parts of ourselves,

The changing landscape that dies and rebirths ourselves throughout our life here,

The death of beloved pets, friends, and family,

Realizing you may have lived before and those deaths may be influencing you,

The recognition of your ancestor's lives and deaths,

And even when we recognize the atrocities in the deaths of groups throughout history.

Example Curriculum

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This course is closed for enrollment.